Superficie Terrestres





Land cover:
Land cover represents the physical and biological land cover. Different resolutions and classification systems are relevant for different uses.
Corine Land Cover : The CORINE land cover database provides Pan-European data of biophysical land cover (44 class nomenclature). It is made available on 100 and 250m grid database and original vector formats in 1:100 000. CLC 1990 is currently updated - CLC 2000.
Used as a source for a wide range of Pan-European environmental assessments, e.g. defined in EEA indicators. Review of land use changes requires repetitive mapping.
Special needs for assessment and follow up in certain geographical areas produces needs for higher frequency and higher resolution Their methodology is harmonised at European level for the purpose of comparison: coastal assessment - LACOAST , cities - MOLAND. Relevant for designated sites.

Pre-processed "picture" data. Source either satellite or air-borne sensors. Different data exists for Pan-Europe, e.g. Landsat, SPOT. The use is refrained due to high costs. Image2000 will constitute the first European wide free access ortho-image database.
Small-scale data for Pan-European overview and analysis. Large-scale data for local and regional needs. Commonly used in environmental and land use management, environmental impact assessment, forestry, agriculture.

Unclassified multipurpose data:

Unclassified spatial coverage of the earth surface. This could be based on recordings of visible light, infra-red bands, radar or other sensors. It is essential in broad environmental assessments and has a high potential also in sector management.
Different data exists for Pan-Europe, e.g. Landsat, SPOT. The use is refrained due to high costs.

Landscape can be divided into homogenous areas or certain important visible features may be mapped. Landscape data are used in different kinds of environmental analysis and management.
Mostly local and regional level data exists.
National examples based on different criteria/ nomenclature








Principal | Localización Geográfica | Unidades Administrativas | Propiedad | Topografía | Ambiente Geofísico | Clima/Meteo | Hidrografía | Oceanos | Biodiversidad | Superficie Terrestres | Recursos Naturales | Transporte | Equipamientos | Infraestructuras | Economia | Legislación Territorial | Riesgos | Polución | Aspectos Sociales | Salud

 Copyright GISIMEDEA [e-mail].
Last Update : 17 de noviembre de 2006.